Thursday, October 27, 2016

Final Mix

PRODUCERS!!!! You can get my file from this google drive if we didn't manage to exchange details in class (click here) Thanks :)

This is the version I'll be sending to my producers for mastering! :D Well, unless there are any negative comments on the 'new melody line', I'm open to changing that part.

All major changes detailed in previous post : Week 11



Unknown said...

Hi Rui!

I need your bounced file for the final mixing! Perhaps you could send it to my email? Please let me know:) Thanks.

raemushi said...

Hi, please give me your email address? Or, I also put up a drive where you can download my file from. Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Hi Rui! Can just send to my email:)

Thanks a lot!

raemushi said...

Hi Christine, the file is too big to email so please get it from the link on my blog. Thanks :)

Unknown said...

This has evolved nicely. Sometimes we have to put aside an idea, even when it was the basis for the song in the first place. You can try to use it again some other time. The layering of the two melodies towards the end, is a good arranging idea, but they're both a little so it's hard to latch on to them. It might work better if it was vocals.

When the main lead line enters, it would be a good idea to bring the other instruments in that frequency range down a bit. Since they were prominent before, we'll still hear them. In general, the instruments need a little more clarity. The mix is a little cluttered. It may be a matter of eq and panning, simplifying or even dropping out some ideas. These are things you want to experiment with. It's easy to do and always easy to undo.

Here's a song that your tune reminds me of